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App functionalities
I am moving into a home fitted with MyHOME solution. How do I access to it with my smartphone?
Can users create a scene?
Is there a limit to the number of accounts which can be connected to the same installation at the same time?
Is there a limit to the number of accounts which can be invited to share the same installation?
Can I customize the icon and/or the name of one room?
How is MYHOMEServer1 updated to have the latest firmware?
Can I customise the position of rooms in the Home + Control application?
Will the Home + Control application work on my smartphone and tablets?
How can I move an object from one room to another room in the application?
What is a scenario?
Is it possible share scenario by different users?
What is a schedule?
What is an automation?
Is it possible to put “wait” between one action and another in the same scene?
How can I create scenarios with push notifications?
Can installer manage my installation?
What is a smart notification?
Can I modify one scenario created by my installer?
Why I don't find Nuvo player in Home + Control?
What if I have to change in Home + Control between heating and cooling mode?
How can I invite other "guest" users to manage my installation?
How can I create programs for fan coil and towel rail?
How can I manage my installation with a vocal assistant?
Will the Home + Control application works on my smartphone and tablets?
What is a scenario?
Can I customise the position of rooms in the Home + Control application?
How can I create scenarios with push notifications?
Is there a limit to the number of accounts which can be connected to the same installation at the same time?
Can users create a scene?
What is a smart notification?
How can I manage my installation with a vocal assistant?
How can I invite other "guest" users to manage my installation?
Is it possible share scenario by different users?
Can I customize the icon and/or the name of one room?
How is F460 updated to have the latest firmware?
How can I move an object from one room to another room in the application?
What is an automation?
What I can do with a Dali2 lamps in Home + Control?
How many smart automations I can create for MyHome installation by Home + Control app?
I am moving into a home fitted with MyHOME solution. How do I access to it with my smartphone?
Can installer manage my installation?
How can I copy the the favorites from one Dali2 light to another in Home + Control?
Is it possible to put “wait” between one action and another in the same scene?
How can I create programs for fan coil and towel rail?
Can I modify one scenario created by my installer?
How can I see the consumption and production graphs of my monitored lines?
How can I see the instant consumptions/productions of my monitored lines?
Which measure of time is used for sunrise and sunset condition that I can use as trigger for Home + Control scheduled actions?
What does the orange banner "This room is in Humidity Protection" means?
How can I change the order of the loads?
How many smart notifications I can create for MyHome installation by Home + Control app?
What if I have to change in Home + Control between heating and cooling mode?
How many scenes I can create for MyHome installation by Home + Control app?
Which other gateway I can add to MyHome installation?
What does the orange banner "the load has been shed" means?
What is a schedule?
Is there a limit to the number of accounts which can be invited to share the same installation?
Can not find the answer to your questions ?
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